Since the rise of the smartphone, we have been living in an era of Image sharing. Instagram, Facebook and Twitter have all been dominated by story telling through photographs.

It is this rise in social image sharing which has changed the way we use images on our websites.

The “moment in time” approach made popular by Instagram, is the way things are moving. If year 7’s are out for a a day trip to another school, the parents want to see the photos that very day – when it is still relevant in the lives of their children. The last thing a parent needs is 50 photos of the trip, weeks or even months down the line.

My Advice? Get a few high impact images on the site that day, and watch the parental engagement increase. Sporting events, experiments in science class, school events etc are all great opportunities to create content.

Check out one of our community based sports sites which has been utilising the ‘Moment in Time’ approach in order to populate their site with content.

Categories: Websites

Ronan Cullen

A Graduate from Northumbria Business School, Ronan has been involved in rolling out Wholeschool's Educational Software to every school in Northern Ireland.

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