This week is Anti-Bullying week. An important one in the Wholeschool calendar.

Every year we help schools across Northern Ireland and beyond to keep their finger on the pulse. By issuing relevant surveys and asking the right questions, Principals and School Leaders are finding it easier to understand what goes on in their classrooms and playgrounds.

Last year, anti-bullying week saw hundreds of schools issuing the Anti-Bullying Survey through Wholeschool. We don’t charge for this service – its our way of contributing to the solution.

Wholeschool Director Garry Cullen has long been a passionate believer that a well informed school, is better placed to tackle the problem effectively. He said: “Only by asking the relevant questions can we expect to get valid responses. Responses we can act on. Act to address problems, very often as schools, we don’t even know we have. So many young people, having suffered from a form of abuse or bullying often say to parents, teachers and others ‘you never asked’. Let’s ask”.

For help in asking the right questions, give us a call on 02890610220, or drop us a line to


Categories: Education

Ronan Cullen

A Graduate from Northumbria Business School, Ronan has been involved in rolling out Wholeschool's Educational Software to every school in Northern Ireland.

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